When Do Cavapoo Dogs Calm Down? (Plus 5 Calming Tips)

It doesn’t take much at all to set off your Cavapoo. Then your dog is running around like mad and barking. You’re eager for some peace and quiet, and so you can’t help but wonder. When will your Cavapoo finally calm down?

It might be upwards of two years before your Cavapoo mellows out and calms down. In the meantime, keep your voice down, don’t give your dog attention when they’re restless, and provide your Cavapoo an outlet for their energy such as long walks or play sessions.

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about what to do with an overexcited Cavapoo. We’ll talk further about when your dog will mellow out and discuss what makes Cavapoos so energetic at their age. You won’t want to miss it!

Cavapool sitting down quietly.
Well-behaved Cavapoo sitting quietly.

When Will My Cavapoo Calm Down?

Cavapoos are adorable mixed breeds, and from the moment you first saw yours, your dog won you over wholeheartedly.

As your Cavapoo has relaxed in their new surroundings, you’re surprised to find out how overactive they can be. From the moment they wake up until they crash for a nap, they seem to have boundless energy.

You can barely keep up with them and trying to do so leaves you exhausted. You’re eager to know when your Cavapoo will calm down.

It takes about two years for Cavapoos to mellow out.

The difference between the age your Cavapoo is at now and two years is that the dog is considered mature at that later age.

As an adult, your Cavapoo is still plenty playful, but the dog knows when to give it a rest (such as when people are sleeping or when you’re working from home in the middle of the afternoon).

Further, every last stimulus will not cause your Cavapoo to fly off the handle, rushing to the window and barking.

Now, this change might not happen overnight on your dog’s second birthday, but it will happen.

Can Cavapoos Mature Earlier Than Two Years? What About Later?

Does it always take two years for a Cavapoo to relax a little?

For the most part, yes, but not exclusively. We’ve seen accounts online from Cavapoo owners who say their dogs began to calm down after only 10 months, but that’s the exception, not the rule.

In some instances, it may even be longer than two years before your Cavapoo stops overreacting to every last little thing.

We don’t think that either situation necessarily warrants a trip to the vet, but if you’re concerned about your Cavapoo’s behavior, then don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment.

Why Are Young Cavapoos So Hypo?

Did you know that the Cavapoo doesn’t have a reputation as a hyper dog? This can be very surprising considering how rambunctious your four-legged friend is, but it’s true!

Why then does your dog act like it has the energy of 10 Cavapoos? Here are some reasons to be aware.   

Cavapoos exercising
Cavapoo dogs excitingly playing in the yard.

Young Age

Whether it’s a kitten or a puppy, these animals are young, curious, exploratory, and energetic. It’s a unique time in their lives where they’re learning about the world through experiencing it.

The younger your Cavapoo is, the more animated and spirited you can expect the dog to be. You wouldn’t want a lethargic puppy or young dog, as it means something could be wrong with your favorite four-legged friend.

Like a baby, a Cavapoo puppy will grow up fast and you’ll find yourself yearning for those days when your dog was handheld and eager to learn about everything. Try to enjoy this time as much as you can!

Lack of Exercise

How much exercise does your Cavapoo receive each day? If your dog spends too long crated because you’re at work and worried they’ll destroy the house. Without enough exercise, it’s no wonder your Cavapoo is hectic!

Once you let them out, they have so much pent-up energy that they can easily run around for hours.

So how much exercise does your Cavapoo need? That varies based on its age.

You can use a simple formula to deduce the appropriate amount of exercise. It’s your Cavapoo’s age (in months) multiplied by five.

If your Cavapoo is eight months old, for example, then 40 minutes of exercise per day is best for this dog.

Exercise includes all physical activity, from playing fetch outside in the yard to tossing your dog a toy in the house and of course, going on walks.

Don’t feel like you need to cram all 40 minutes of exercise (or however long it is based on the age of your Cavapoo) in at once. You can split up the dog’s playtime into two 20-minute sessions and that’s still 40 minutes!

Further Reading: Do Cavapoos Like Long Walks? Answered!

Lack of Stimulation

Some dog owners, usually those without a lot of experience, focus so much on physical stimulation for their dog through an exercise that they don’t realize a canine needs mental stimulation as well.

How can you incorporate more mental stimulation into your Cavapoo’s daily routine? That’s easy!

Buy them a treat toy where they have to solve a puzzle to access the treat. You can even line up several cups and put treats under one of the cups, then have your dog guess which cup contains the treat.

Go on a new route when you walk your Cavapoo next. All the fresh sights and sounds will surely reinvigorate them.

You can even deplete your dog’s energy by making them a homemade agility course complete with cones, wooden ramps, and cardboard boxes!

Training your dog is enough great way to provide mental stimulation and wear your puppy out. But don’t overdo it, just 10-15 minutes a session is enough.

Further Reading: Are Cavapoos Easy to Train? (Plus Training Tips)

5 Calming Tips to Relax Your Cavapoo

Your Cavapoo is a long way off from their second birthday, and you just don’t think you can wait that long for them to chill out. Is there anything you can do to get your dog to act calmer now?

Yes, indeed! Here are 5 tips for a calmer Cavapoo and a happier, more harmonious home overall.

1. Don’t Give In to Bad Behavior

When your Cavapoo is bugging you incessantly for a walk, do you stop what you’re doing out of exasperation and take them out?

Although it’s nice to end your Cavapoo’s hyperactivity at that moment because it brings you relief, you’re handling the situation incorrectly.

Your reactions tell your dog that their behavior is okay, and that’s exactly what you just did. Now your Cavapoo knows that if they irritate you enough, you’ll give in and take them for a walk.

Your dog will begin using their exciting behavior to cajole other things out of you such as longer play sessions or maybe even treats.

Although it’s not easy, you have to ignore your Cavapoo when they behave this way. Yes, this might mean you’re subjected to extended bouts of energy for a little while, but you have to do your best to grin and bear it.

Once your Cavapoo realizes that their behavior isn’t getting the desired result, they won’t do it as frequently anymore.

2. Never Raise Your Voice

Another thing you shouldn’t do when trying to calm your Cavapoo is raising your voice, no matter how frustrated you feel.

We talked about this in our post about training Cavapoos, but it’s worth repeating here.

Dogs don’t understand what you’re trying to do when you yell at them. To them, you’re not disciplining them you’re making a lot of noise.

All you’re doing is increasing their excitement (or agitation) levels. You might even cause them to start barking.

You need to keep your voice calm if you want your Cavapoo to chill.

3. Give Your Dog an Outlet

This goes back to our point from the last section. If your Cavapoo isn’t being physically and mentally stimulated, then of course, when you finally do let them out, they’re going to seem highly rambunctious to you.

Sure, maybe at a young age, they’ll only run around the house like mad. Once your Cavapoo is older though, they might turn destructive when unstimulated and left to their own devices for too long.

You must give your dog an outlet of sorts, and exercise through playtime is a fantastic one. You’ll stimulate your Cavapoo appropriately and tire them out so they won’t act quite as crazy.

4. Get Your Dog Spayed or Neutered

Have you gotten your Cavapoo spayed or neutered?

If not, you might want to consider it.

These simple and inexpensive surgical procedures can curb overexcited behavior in canines, not to mention any reproductive-related aggression, including spraying to mark territory.

If yours is a female Cavapoo, she won’t go into heat anymore, which means no more mini periods and uncomfortable behaviors like humping.

A spayed or neutered dog is also more likely to live longer. They won’t feel inclined to venture out into the world where they could get into dog fights or be hit by a car.

Plus, the surgery reduces the rate of canine cancer, including prostate cancer in males and breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers in females.

5. Consider Using Calming Oils (With Your Vet’s Permission)

How do you feel when you light a lavender-scented candle or use a rosemary diffuser? Nice and calm, right?

Well, calming oils may be effective for your Cavapoo as well.

Lavender is by far the most recommended scent, as it can alleviate depression, insomnia, and anxiety.

Bergamot is another great calming oil for depression, snappiness, and panic in canine companions.

Before you pull out all your favorite essential oils, be sure to contact your vet and ask if aromatherapy is a suitable solution for your Cavapoo’s high energy levels.

If your vet doesn’t think it’s the best idea, you can always try the other methods in this section.

Do Cavapoo Dogs Make Good Apartment Dogs - Cavoodle
Cavapoo laying down on a couch.


Cavapoos can have oodles of energy until they’re about two years old. It’s at that age that this crossbreed is considered mature and should calm down in their adulthood.

That said, if your Cavapoo is well over two years old and is just as wound-up as ever, you might want to evaluate the dog’s exercise schedule. It’s also not a bad idea to get a checkup at the vet just to be safe!

Further Reading:
Do Cavapoos Bark A Lot? Answered!
What To Do When A Cavapoo Has Zoomies
Are Cavapoos (Cavoodle) Good Guard or Watch Dogs?
Will Male Dogs Mate With Their Offspring? (Is It Safe?)