Are Yorkiepoos Hypoallergenic? Do They Shed?

When you want a pet, it’s essential to know if it has a hypoallergenic coat if you or anyone in your household has allergies. So are Yorkiepoos safe around people with allergies, and are they hypoallergenic? 

Two Yorkiepoo Dogs on Owners Lap
Two Yorkiepoo Dogs on Owner’s Lap

Although no dog can be 100% Hypoallergenic, the Yorkiepoo is considerably more hypoallergenic than other dogs. This depends on which generation and how similar the Yorkiepoo’s coat is to their Poodle parent. 

Let’s look at which generation of Yorkiepoo would be the most Hypoallergenic and best for people with allergies. 

What Makes Dogs Hypoallergenic?

A breed of dog that is hypoallergenic means that the dog is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. While no dog is 100 percent hypoallergenic, some breeds and generations are more so than others. Therefore some will be better options for pet owners with allergies, but you can never be guaranteed that you won’t have an allergic reaction.

The word hypoallergenic can be broken down into two parts, “hypo,” meaning less or below average, and “allergenic,” meaning likely to cause an allergy. So a hypoallergenic dog does not mean it won’t cause allergies, but it is less likely to.

Things that affect how hypoallergenic a dog is will depend on the following: 

●     Coat types – curly coats as more hypoallergenic because of their low-shedding

●     Protein produced in a dog’s saliva – people aren’t just allergic to dander, but the protein in dog’s saliva too

Do Yorkiepoos Shed?

Yorkiepoo Close-Up Wearing Jumper
Yorkiepoo Close-Up Wearing Jumper

All dogs shed. The brilliant thing about the Yorkiepoos is that it’s what we refer to as a designer breed. This is when breeders mix different types of dogs to cultivate the most desirable characteristics from each breed. Notably, one characteristic breeders love to isolate is the hypoallergenic property of the Poodle. 

As a mix between the loveable and hypoallergenic Poodle and the adorable Yorkshire Terrier, Yorkiepoos inherit a straight, wavy, or curly coat type from their parents. So, the Yorkiepoo sheds considerably less than other breeds of dogs and their Yorkshire Terrier parent. 

The main draw to creating doodles is to give a wider variety of hypoallergenic dogs. For example, the dense, curly hair of the Poodle has a low level of shedding because the loose hair gets trapped easily in the curls. This is what makes them more hypoallergenic than other breeds of dogs. 

Are Yorkiepoos Hypoallergenic?

Whether you have allergies or researching on behalf of someone else, it’s always good to be aware of whether a dog will affect your allergies. 

Because Yorkiepoos have low-shedding hair, they are more Hypoallergenic than other breeds of dogs. They don’t shed as much hair because any loose hair is trapped in the curls, and therefore less falls out and exposes people to less dander. 

I’ve had doodles throughout my life, and the biggest factor determining how hypoallergenic your dog is on which generation of Yorkiepoo they are. 

The Most Hypoallergenic Yorkiepoo Generation

The curly-haired Yorkiepoo is the most likely to be hypoallergenic as they are less likely to shed. This is because pet allergies are not caused by fur but by dander and saliva. Curly poodle coats tend to trap loose hairs easier than other coats, which means they usually shed less hair.

The F1b or F1bb Yorkiepoo generation is the ideal dog for someone who experiences mild allergies. These generations have an 87.5 percent (F1bb) and 75 percent (F1b) chance of inheriting the Poodle parent’s curly coat hypoallergenic coat.

Now that we know which generation has the highest chance of inheriting a hypoallergenic coat, let’s see which one is the least hypoallergenic. 

The Least Hypoallergenic Yorkiepoo Generation

Yorkiepoos with more straight to wavy hair are least likely to inherit the Poodle’s hypoallergenic traits. 

The F1 and F2 generations are the least hypoallergenic of the Yorkiepoo generations. They both have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the Yorkshire Terrier’s or the Poodle’s coat. 

Causes of Yorkiepoo Shedding

Yorkiepoo Lying Down
Yorkiepoo Lying Down

If you own a dog, you’re signing up for shedding no matter what breed you have, but with Yorkiepoos, it’s less than your average dog. But what causes Yorkiepoos to shed? 


Dogs’ bodies don’t react to allergies as our bodies do. If your Yorkiepoo has an allergy, it will usually manifest with irritated and itchy skin. This will cause your Yorkiepoo to scratch and shed more hair. 

Bad Hygiene

If your little Yorkiepoo goes without a bath for too long, you’ll notice them scratching and shedding more frequently than usual. If left for too long, their scratching can cause sores which can cause an infection and more hair loss.


It’s inevitable when the warmer months roll in; you must anticipate shedding. Fortunately, with curly-haired Yorkiepoos, it’s not much more, but it’s good to be prepared for it.

How To Minimize Yorkiepoo Shedding

Black and White Yorkiepoo
Black and White Yorkiepoo

You might not be able to stop your Yorkiepoo from shedding, but there are some things you can do to stay ahead of the shedding and minimizes how much hair fall your dog experiences. Here are some things you can do:

1. Brush And Groom Your Yorkiepoo

A brush every day, or alternate days, does wonders to control the amount of hair your Yorkiepoo sheds. Of course, it won’t stop the hair from falling out, but the concept is the catch and throw away the stragglers before they spread all over your floor. If you brush your dog frequently, you’ll have more control over the shedding situation. 

2. Bathe Your Yorkiepoo Regularly

It might not be their favorite time, but regular baths will minimize shedding. Just like brushing, washing your Yorkiepoo will help you catch all those loose hairs. Using hypoallergenic products is essential as a dog’s skin is sensitive, and you should never use human products on dogs. 

I use a 4-in-1  Buddy Wash Dog Shampoo for my dogs to ensure they’re cleaned, conditioned, detangled, and moisturized without irritating their skin. 

Giving your Yorkiepoo baths regularly will also give you time to assess their coat and skin condition so you can check if they’re experiencing any allergies or infections that might cause more shedding.

3. Manage Your Yorkiepoo’s Allergies

It might take a while to figure out the allergen affecting your dog, but be patient and willing to adjust for the health of your Yorkiepoo and your family. Allergens could come from food, skin, and environmental issues. If you suspect allergies are causing your Yorkiepoo to shed more, don’t hesitate to take them to the vet. The vet can help with a proper diagnosis by taking tests and prescribing allergy medication or diet adjustments if necessary. 

I once had a dog who shed hair like there was no tomorrow. After taking him to the vet, she diagnosed him with a food allergy. He eventually came good after months of cutting out and adding different ingredients to his diet. So remember to consider your dog’s diet and ensure you’re giving your dog the proper nutrients to maintain a healthy coat.

Further Reading: