Do Bernedoodles Bark A Lot? Not Usually…

When considering adding a Bernedoodle to your family, one question that often arises is, do Bernedoodles bark a lot? It’s an important question to answer before adopting your own Bernese Mountain Dog cross Poodle. So let’s find out.

bernedoodle sitting on a flower field
Bernedoodle on a flower field

Related: Bernedoodle Temperament Guide | 10 Bernedoodle Health Problems To Know Before Buying

Are Bernedoodles Barkers?

Berenedoodles are not typically considered excessive barkers, although they may bark to communicate or alert their owners of something unfamiliar. Like any other breed, some individual Bernedoodles may bark more than others.

Excessive barking in any dog can be a result of various factors such as boredom, anxiety, or lack of exercise. To help minimize excessive barking in Bernedoodles, you should provide them with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, as well as proper training and socialization from a young age.

Additionally, understanding the individual temperament and personality of a Bernedoodle can also help in managing their barking behavior. Some Bernedoodles may be more prone to barking than others, so it’s a good idea to address any excessive barking early on through positive reinforcement and consistent training.

Why Bernedoodles Bark

bernedoodle wearing a scarf close-up
Bernedoodle wearing a scarf

Understanding why Bernedoodles bark is important in addressing this behavior. Like humans, dogs bark to express themselves. Bernedoodles may bark if they feel anxious, frightened, or if they need mental stimulation.

Bernedoodles may bark when left alone for extended periods, as they thrive on companionship like a lot of doodle breeds.

Excessive barking habits can be a sign of an unmet need or a lack of training. 

Bernedoodles may also bark as a form of communication, to alert their owners of potential dangers or intruders. This is a natural instinct for many dogs, as they are protective of their territory and their family.

However, excessive barking in this context may be a sign of insecurity or a lack of socialization.

Additionally, Bernedoodles, like many other breeds, may bark out of boredom. They are intelligent and active dogs that need regular mental and physical stimulation. Without proper exercise and mental engagement, they may resort to barking as a way to release pent-up energy or frustration.

Bernedoodle owners should address excessive barking through proper training, socialization, and meeting their dog’s needs. Providing adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship can help reduce their tendency to bark excessively.

Consistent training and positive reinforcement can also help modify their behavior and teach them when it is appropriate to bark. If the barking persists despite these efforts, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to address the issue. 

Training a Bernedoodle Not to Bark

bernedoodle on a hike trail
Bernedoodle on a hiking trail

Training your Bernedoodle not to bark can be achieved through positive reinforcement techniques. Providing plenty of exercise, mental stimulation, and opportunities to socialize can help reduce excessive barking.

Understand your Bernedoodle’s temperament and use training methods that cater to their sensitive nature. With patience and consistency, it is possible to train your Bernedoodle to bark less and communicate in other ways.

Use Positive Reinforcement

One method to reduce barking is to use positive reinforcement when your Bernedoodle is quiet. Whenever they are not barking, provide them with treats, praise, or toys to reinforce the behavior. This will encourage them to be quiet and associate being quiet with positive things.

Consistency is key when training your Bernedoodle not to bark. Set clear boundaries and rules and be consistent in enforcing them. Avoid inadvertently reinforcing barking by giving in to their demands or attention-seeking behavior.

Remember that barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, so completely eliminating barking may not be realistic. Instead, focus on teaching your Bernedoodle to communicate in other ways, such as through obedience commands or alternative behaviors.

With patience, understanding, and positive reinforcement, you can train your Bernedoodle to bark less and be a well-behaved, quiet companion. 

Provide Physical and Mental Exercise

bernedoodle jumping on a brick wall
Bernedoodle having fun outside

Providing your Bernedoodle with plenty of physical and mental exercise can help reduce boredom and anxiety, which can lead to excessive barking.

Engage in activities such as walks, runs, interactive toys, and training sessions to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

Some physical exercises that are great for Bernedoodles include playing fetch, running alongside a bike, hiking, and agility training. These activities help them burn off energy and stay in good physical shape.

Mental exercises such as obedience training, puzzle toys, and scent work can also help keep your Bernedoodle’s mind engaged and prevent boredom.

Teaching them new commands and tricks can also be mentally stimulating and provide a great bonding opportunity for you and your dog.

It’s important to provide a balance of both physical and mental exercise to keep your Bernedoodles happy and content. A tired dog is often a well-behaved dog, so by providing them with plenty of opportunities to exercise, you can help reduce excessive barking and other behavioral issues. 

Early Socialization

bernedoodles wearing party hats and smiling
Bernedoodles socializing at a party

Socialization is also important in reducing barking. Expose your Bernedoodle to different people, animals, and environments to help them feel less anxious and less likely to bark out of fear or insecurity.

Introduce your Bernedoodle to friends and family members, take them for walks in various locations, and allow them to interact with other dogs. This will help them become more comfortable and less likely to bark excessively when they encounter new people or situations.

Enrolling your Bernedoodle in puppy socialization classes can be beneficial for their overall development and can also help reduce excessive barking. These classes give them the opportunity to interact with other dogs in a controlled environment and learn appropriate social behaviors.

Consistent positive reinforcement training is also essential for reducing barking. Reward your Bernedoodle when they remain quiet in situations that would typically trigger barking, and use firm but gentle correction when they do bark unnecessarily.

By providing early socialization and positive reinforcement, you can help your Bernedoodle become a well-adjusted and well-behaved dog who is less likely to bark excessively in various situations. 
