Do Schnoodles Bark a Lot? Answered!

All dogs bark at least sometimes. But, some breeds seem to bark all the time. This can cause issues in certain environments, such as small apartments. Do Schnoodles bark a lot? And how can you improve, correct, and prevent excessive barking in your Schnoodle? We cover all of this and more in the article below.

Schnoodle with wavy hair
Schnoodle looking out the window

Schnoodles are considered somewhat excessive barkers in comparison to some other dogs. This can largely be attributed to their Schnauzer and Poodle heritage and can be improved with early and consistent socialization and training.

It’s important to remember that all dogs bark at least sometimes, it’s a natural part of their communication.

Let’s delve into the genetics behind the Schnoodle’s barking, as well as some reasons why they bark, and how to improve it.

Related: Schnoodle Temperament Guide | Life Expectancy of a Schnoodle | Are Schnoodles Hypoallergenic: Do They Shed?

The Genetics of Schnoodle Barking

The genetics of the Schnoodle plays a large role in the amount that it barks. This is largely because of the working nature of the Poodle and the Schnauzer.

Genetics of Poodle Barking

Poodles were initially bred to hunt waterfowl. This means that they would have constantly been around people, working at their side.

This is one of many reasons why Poodles which are kept as pets suffer greatly from separation anxiety. They may bark when they are left alone because of this anxiety. They are also very vocal when they want to communicate a need or problem.

Genetics of Schnauzer Barking

Schnauzers were bred to be herding dogs or guard dogs. They would have needed to bark all the time in order to scare off predators and protect the cattle they were watching over.

They still bark as pets, mostly because they are territorial or think that there is some kind of threat.

Genetics of Schnoodle Barking

Some Schnoodles can take after their Schnauzer parent more and some after their Poodle parent. However, regardless of which breed your Schnoodle is closer to, they are likely to be excessive barkers.  

Identifying the cause of your Schnoodle’s barking is key to minimizing it when required.

Reasons Why Schnoodles Bark

All Schnoodles are different. Because of this, the reason why your Schnoodle may suddenly start barking may be different from that of another Schnoodle.

However, there are some common triggers that induce barking in almost all Schnoodles. Let’s look at some of these to help you rule out a few common issues.


Schnoodles are an incredibly intelligent breed. This is great when trying to train them because they pick up on tricks very easily. However, this means that when they are left to their own devices they may get bored.

In the mind of the Schnoodle, barking is a great way to relieve boredom. It may rile up your neighbor’s dogs or it may get you to give them some attention.

If your Schnoodle barks after it has been left alone while you are watching TV, it may be bored.

Separation Anxiety

Most Schnoodles have inherited the Poodle’s tendency to experience separation anxiety. They are great family dogs and do not do well when left alone.

Boy cuddling Schnoodle Dog
Boy cuddling Schnoodle Dog

If your Schnoodle barks when you are walking out the door without it, or when it is alone at home for several hours, this may be an indication that it is experiencing separation anxiety.

Often, this is more difficult to determine on your own because you are not there when your Schnoodle barks. You may need the assistance of a neighbor, or the aid of a camera like this one.


Barking is sometimes the only way that your Schnoodle may be able to communicate discomfort to you. If you see no other reason why your Schnoodle may be barking, determine whether it has all of its needs met.

Does it have enough water? Is it hungry? Does your Schnoodle need to go outside? Is it too hot?

In my experience, it is rather easy to tell when a dog is hungry or hot. But, sometimes it is difficult to tell when your dog is cold.

If you take your Schnoodle for a walk in winter, make sure that you don’t stay out too long if the weather is below 45℉ (7.2℃).

In Pain

Just like when your Schnoodle is uncomfortable, it might be trying to communicate that it is in pain.

Watch out for other signs of pain such as limping, shallow breathing, or trying to hide in small spaces.

Afraid/ Territorial

Schnoodles bark when they are afraid, or when someone unknown is moving through what they have determined to be their territory.

In cases like this, the barking may be paired with growling, or your Schnoodle may cower away. Usually, this stops once they realize that everything is going to be alright, and they deem the unfamiliar person or animal to be safe and friendly.


Of course, not all Schnoodle barking is bad. Some of it is simply because they are excited.

This barking is not something that you necessarily have to worry about. Instead, it will stop by itself when they calm down.

How to Reduce a Schnoodle’s Barking

Schnoodle playing
Schnoodle playing

You will never be able to completely stop your Schnoodle from barking. They are vocal dogs, and this is something that you should seriously consider before getting one.

However, there are some things that you can do which may reduce how often and how long the Schnoodle barks.

Make Sure Basic Needs are Met

If your Schnoodle always has enough food and water, and a relatively stable temperature, they will be less likely to bark. The same is true if they get enough exercise and attention from their owners.

They may still bark now and then because they are feeling a little bit lonely, but in most cases, this should be an abnormality, rather than the norm.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

If you want to prevent your Schnoodle from getting bored, or experiencing a great deal of anxiety while you are away, make sure that they are absolutely exhausted when you need to leave them alone.

The easiest way to do this is to exercise your Schnoodle. But, sometimes exercise is not always possible because of weather, the age of the dog, or time constraints.

In cases like this, it is important to add mental stimulation. These dogs love to work and will do any job that you give them. Mental stimulation can be done through training, but there are also toys or puzzles like this one, that can help. Some of these toys the Schnoodle can play with on its own or can be integrated into meal times.

Early Socialization and Training

The Schnoodle can be a rather stubborn dog. Even though they can understand what you want them to do fairly quickly, they may not do it.

Starting their training young is the best way to prevent this disobedience. This means that they will be more likely to listen to you when you tell them to leave the mailman alone.

Additionally, if you start socializing your Schnoodle early, they will be a lot more familiar with the world around them. Things will be less scary, which means they won’t bark as much.

Unfortunately, no amount of training will stop barking completely, but it is a great way to control it.

Further Reading: