Do Cavapoos Like to Cuddle? Are They Affectionate?

If you have met or owned a Cavapoo, you will know their highly affectionate, cuddly, and loving nature. If you are not the cuddly type and prefer your own company, then a Cavapoo (Cavoodle) may not be your best doggie match.

Do Cavapoos Like to Cuddle

The Cavapoo’s genetics and the fact they were purposely bred for companionship make them a highly affectionate and cuddly breed. Personality, socialization, and experience play a role in shaping your Cavapoo’s temperament. Knowing when and how to cuddle your furry friend and not overdoing the doggie’s attention will help maintain a well-balanced Cavapoo.  

Are Cavapoos naturally affectionate and cuddly?

With cuddly, affectionate parents, how can a Cavapoo not be loving? Both the Cavalier Charles King Spaniel and the Poodle parents of the Cavapoo are highly affectionate and cuddly breeds.  

The Cavalier is well known as a lap dog and a great companion and therapy dog. A highly affectionate breed that loves to cuddle.

The toy and miniature poodles are commonly known as both energetic and loving.

Even though past experiences, personality, and socialization can affect the affectionate nature of any breed, Cavapoos are nine times out of ten sensitive, kind, adaptable, cuddly and caring. They generally get on well with children, pets, and strangers and they adore spending time with their humans.

Cavapoos were bred for friendship and companionship. And not only do they make for successful therapy dogs, they are excellent with children, the elderly, and those recovering from sickness.

Why do Cavapoos like to cuddle?

Do Cavapoos Like to Cuddle and Are They Affectionate

Genetics and the Cavapoo’s warm, friendly nature make them look for cuddles and human connection.

Cuddling is very important to Cavapoos and helps validate their human families’ love for them. Affection and cuddling is also a way for them to show you how much they care for you.

If your Cavapoo likes to rest and sit on you, it can also be a means of marking their territory. Indicating to others that you are their property. Cavapoos will also lie on you for warmth.

You will notice your Cavapoo snuggling more during winter. This comes from their instinct to cuddle with their pack to avoid getting too cold.

Cavapoos, like people, also enjoy the feeling of being cuddled and the warm, loving feelings that it creates. When feeling loved through physical contact, the chemical, Oxytocin, is released, promoting feelings of happiness, love, and trust. This makes cuddling a habit that is customarily repeated.

Can too much affection be a problem?

Affection is always beneficial for Cavapoo. But when the need for affection becomes constant, it can lead to problems such as separation anxiety.  

Cavapoos get attached to their families quickly. Although there is nothing wrong with letting your furry friend follow you everywhere and come along on family outings, be careful not to overdo the attention. This is especially true if you must be apart for periods of time.

Cavapoos can struggle or suffer from mental distress if you suddenly leave them unexpectedly after long periods of constant affection. Although dog trainers can assist with separation anxiety, it is not a pleasant experience for your furry friend.

Avoiding Cavapoo separation anxiety

Provide your Cavapoo with fun, interactive toys and treats before leaving them. This will keep them distracted and create a more positive association with “goodbyes.”

You should also exercise your Cavapoo with a walk or energetic play before leaving. This will help tire them out so they are relaxed and happy when you’re gone.

Leaving calmly without making a fuss is also best.

When arriving home after being apart, refrain from getting overly excited and rather ignore your Cavapoo until they are relaxed.

On the whole, try to allow your Cavapoo to enjoy other activities. Such as exploring outdoors, playing with toys, and spending time with other pets.

A balance between your affection and some healthy alone time will lead to a happier Cavapoo dog in the long run.

How to tell if your Cavapoo has separation anxiety

Spotting signs of separation anxiety in your Cavapoo is not usually difficult and best recognized early.

Even when perfectly housetrained, your Cavapoo may do their messy business indoors when you are gone. You may also notice them licking their paws anxiously, crying, or panting. Some dogs will dig holes outdoors, try to escape the garden area, or even vomit.

Is there a good and bad time to cuddle your Cavapoo?

Cavapoo Being Held - Do Cavapoos Like to Cuddle

Cuddling is an essential part of any Cavapoo’s day. However, knowing when and when not to cuddle your Cavapoo dog and teaching children to respect and occasionally limit play is vital for a happy, healthy Cavapoo.

Cavapoos are a curious and energetic mixed breed, especially when juvenile. Let your Cavapoo play and explore when active. And cuddle them when they are ready to relax or take a nap. As your Cavapoos get older, they will relax more and want to cuddle more regularly.

How do I know if my Cavapoo wants to cuddle?

Do Cavapoos Like to Cuddle Are They Affectionate

Cavapoos have no trouble demanding a cuddle from their owners. Cavapoos will wag their tails excitedly, gently knock you with their heads, roll over onto their backs and nuzzle your hand or body.

If your Cavapoo looks tired and keeps yawning or licking their lips when being cuddled, they may prefer to have some alone time. Respecting your Cavapoo’s wishes and allowing them to rest in peace will only strengthen your bond.

Cavapoos are also relatively small, and although they adore being held, cuddled, and loved, owners should be cautious of handling them correctly to avoid injury. Children should be taught to carry and hold their precious furry friends correctly.  

When not to cuddle your Cavapoo

As with other dog breeds, it is better not to cuddle your Cavapoo when they are eating or sleeping.  Although a Cavapoo does not usually bite or growl, some may become territorial or annoyed if disturbed when trying to eat or drink.  It is essential to respect their mealtimes and allow them to eat undisturbed.

If your Cavapoo is not feeling well, sore, or suffering from illness, it is best to refrain from cuddling them too much. Ear infections and arthritis are particularly painful and uncomfortable and can make your Cavapoo shy away from too much affection.

What if your Cavapoo doesn’t enjoy cuddling

On the rare occasion where a Cavapoo may not want to cuddle due to past abuse or experiences, training them to enjoy human affection again is possible.

Lots of praise, positive reinforcement, and treats can help to create a positive association to physical touch and human attention. Providing your Cavapoo with treats when they lay near you or petting them will reinforce this feeling.

After exercising or walking your Cavapoo, you may want to also place them on your lap or close to you to rest. Your Cavapoo will be more open to affection and change when they are in a calm state.

Will a Cavapoo be happy with any owner?

Cavapoos are known for their adaptability and will usually adapt to almost any household. However, they thrive in a home where their needs for affection and cuddles are met.

People that are not fond of physical contact or clingy, affectionate loving should look elsewhere for a dog breed.

Cavapoos live to connect and be loved. They can adapt to a household with fewer cuddles and attention, but they may feel uncomfortable and less content having to do so.  Companionship and affection are a part of most Cavapoo’s genetics and personalities.

Further reading: